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Vicarage Park Young Leaders

July 29, 2020
Vicarage Park Young Leaders

Year 5 pupils from Vicarage Park Primary School in Cumbria have received their Young Leaders Awards this week.

They took part in a range of personal, school and community challenges to develop their leadership skills and ‘be the change they want to see’.

Katie Green, Year 5 Teacher at Vicarage Park shared how her class have taken action to help others through the Young Leaders Award;

“The pupils visited a residential home where they took their topic books, cards and dominoes to share with the elderly residents here. The comments they received were very positive, the residents didn’t want the children to leave and even the children wanted to stay longer, they enjoyed finding out about what life was like at school back in their day!
Our bigger fundraising week was to raise money for the three charities our school are supporting this academic year, Blackwell Sailing-a local charity who some our children with SEND attend, NSPCC and ActionAid. The children held stalls and games at lunchtimes, sold cakes every break time and after school, washed the teachers’ cars, completed a sponsored water carry and played rounders against the teachers - all to raise as much money as they could. They have a total so far of £700.
The class have done the school proud-yet again- demonstrating their determination, perseverance and the way they worked together was fantastic.”

Triston aged 10 said;

“I loved doing the Young Leaders Award, I especially enjoyed the ActionAid week-raising money for the different charities. We had a lot of fun and learnt so much as well.”

Rozy Brian, Strategic Lead for Primary Awards, said;

“it is wonderful to celebrate the achievement of these pupils from Vicarage Park.  They have made a real difference to their local community, particularly by raising money for a local charity.  They are wonderful Young Leaders!”

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