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What is the KS3 YLA?

The KS3 Award is a fully resourced leadership, character education and personal development programme for delivery within schools. It supports students to become confident and resilient leaders, who develop a growth mindset, become independent thinkers and good communicators, and who have compassion and care for their communities.  

Explore the role of servant leadership. Be inspired by people of faith who have impacted their communities in this way. Identify social and environmental issues. Examine how to bring hope to community. Prepare to be courageous advocates.

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What is the KS3 YLA?

How will it fit in our school?

For our English schools, the Award has strong links to SMSC, British Values, PSHE, Character Education, Citizenship, RE and SIAMS.  

For our Welsh schools, the Award has strong links to the four purposes, fostering cynefin and developing important life skills. It contributes to areas of learning and experience in the RVE and RSE curriculums.

download INSPECTION & curriculum links (ENGLAND)
download curriculum links (WALES)
Download SIAMS inspection links
How will it fit in our school?

How much does it cost?

The Award costs £12 per pupil + VAT. This includes access to all of the online teaching and learning materials, planning and assessment materials, a certificate on completion for each pupil, a school completion certificate and training and support for participating teachers.

Please contact us about discounts available if you would like to sign up more than 180 pupils

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What is the KS3 YLA?
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Click below to see THE KS3 award resource

Students complete 3 modules...

10 hours classroom
- Christian faith in action
- Inspiring leaders and their example
- Charities changing communities
5 hours classroom & 5 hours project planning
- Servant leadership and bringing hope
- Society and its challenges
- Transforming community through action
1 hour classroom & 10+ volunteering hours
- 3 x personal volunteering projects
- School community project
- Local community project
- Final assessment/reflection session
Character cards 1

The KS3 YLA focuses on developing
nine leadership skills and
nine key character virtues.

Leadership & Character
Character cards 2

Trinity CE School, Carlisle - KS3 Case Study

What did they do?

KS3 students created bags of courage, containing a KitKat, tea bag and poem, which were hand-delivered to staff at the council, railway station, to local shops, taxi drivers and charity workers throughout the town centre. Another group wanted to celebrate the 70th birthday of the National Health Service by baking seventy cakes to say ‘Thank you.’ They delivered them to every hospital ward and NHS centre across the city.

Download full case study
Trinity Carlisle Case Study

Teacher Quote:

"Our students have gained an insight into their capabilities and have thought about their strengths and weaknesses in leadership and character. They have explored what it means to be vulnerable in our society and, through their actions, have discovered that they themselves have experienced joy. In giving of themselves to serve the needs of others,they have found purpose and fulfilment."

How is the YLA delivered?
Typically delivered with Year 7 or Year 8 students
Often embedded within curriculum time (RE, PSHE, Citizenship lessons)
21 taught sessions and volunteering time (1 hour a week over 2 terms or a year)
Downloadable resources with all teacher planning and student activities
101 Ideas for Action Projects
Student and Teacher Assessment Rubric
Certificates and badges on completion
3 levels of Award: Developing, Accomplished and Exemplary Leader

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St OlavesBingley GrammarTrinity Carlisle NHSCake with residentTrinity Carlisle Tea on the GreenTrinity Carlisle Beach Cleanup

KS3 news

KS3 Young leaders serve their local community
February 24, 2025

KS3 students at The Nottingham Emmanuel School have taken part in the Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award

Over 2,700 students becoming courageous advocates at Ripley St Thomas
September 17, 2024

Ripley St Thomas C of E High School have been running the AYLA since 2014, now on their Year 7th cohort.

KS3 pupils support the homeless during Ramadan
December 5, 2022

Students at Olive High School in Burnley have been supporting the homeless during Ramadan as part of their Young Leaders Award.

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