The KS2 Award is a fully resourced leadership, character education and personal development programme, where pupils develop core skills and have practical opportunities to volunteer and help others in their community.
Join Archie as he discovers that he can ‘be the change he wants to see’ in his community. Explore what it means to be a leader, investigate inspirational leaders and their impact, identify actions within the local, national and global communities. Take action.
For our English schools, the Award has strong links to SMSC, British Values, PSHE, Character Education, Citizenship, RE and SIAMS.
For our Welsh schools, the Award has strong links to the four purposes, fostering cynefin and developing important life skills. It contributes to areas of learning and experience in the RVE and RSE curriculums.
The Award is available to purchase in group box sizes of small 15 learners (£180+ VAT), 25 learners (£300+VAT), and 35 learners (£420 +VAT). These can be purchased in different combinations to meet your learner needs and includes a Young Leaders Scrapbook, pencil, and Archie pin badge for each learner. It also includes your license for the year to our online platform with all the teaching and learning materials and training and support for participating teachers. Individual certificates will also be sent out on completion.
Interactive and engaging activities include animated videos, big discussion questions, a community walk and creative challenges to serve others.
Year 4 pupils from St Gabriel's C of E Primary School, Liverpool were inspired to take action to support the work of Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
Year 5 Young Leaders at Witton Church Walk Church of England Nursery and Primary School decided they wanted to raise awareness of asylum seekers and homeless people in their local area.
Courageous advocacy and enabling pupils to be active ‘agents of change’ is at the heart of St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary’s vision for their students.