AYLA Cymru Launches

July 3, 2024
AYLA Cymru Launches

Welsh translation below - Isod cyfieithiad Cymraeg

The National Society are excited to announce that following on from a pilot programme in 2023, the Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award is now available for all Welsh schools.

Supported by the Archbishop of Wales, The Most Reverend Andrew John, the AYLA Cymru, aimed at school years 4-6, is a fully resourced leadership and personal effectiveness programme designed to both enhance and form part of a school’s curriculum. It offers an exciting opportunity for your learners to:

• Engage in new learning experiences

• Grow in leadership and develop skills integral to the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales

• Discover the benefits of helping others

Archbishop Andrew said of the launch: “Developing young leaders is a key ambition for the Church in Wales. I am delighted we are able to work closely with the Church of England to advance this ambition together. We want to take seriously, the wealth of talent we have in Wales and ensuring young people shape our future recognising the depth and breadth of this talent. I am pleased to support this initiative.”

Learners will develop and practise their leadership and within the classroom, learn about inspirational leaders from the past and present, and explore the different communities to which they belong. Based on their work in the classroom, they will then plan and research social action to ‘be the change they want to see’.

The launch of AYLA Cymru in Wales has been led by Liz Thomas Director of Education who said,” The Award offers a suite of bilingual resources that enable learners to engage with social action, develop as leaders and agents of change very much within the context of their school and local community. We are delighted to be supporting the AYLA Cymru.

In the pilot schools, learners took part in a wide range of social action to deepen their understanding of cynefin and develop their leadership skills. All projects were identified and researched by the learners, focusing on issues in their communities that were important to them.

Some learners completed individual challenges and cooked meals for their families. Others wrote to the local council and MPs about parking near the school, cars speeding the village and graffiti in the local park.

Popular projects included working with younger children in school during break times, by playing games and becoming reading buddies. While others supported elderly relatives and members of the community including organising afternoon tea for their elderly neighbours.

One school, worked with the local council to help clean up a community garden and wrote cards to the local emergency services to say thanks for all their help and support within the community.

Elizabeth Howat Head of the AYLA, said, “It is fantastic to see the children’s achievements, which highlight the ‘double benefit’ that taking part in the Award has, as children grow in confidence and compassion, at the same time as building links with communities that have a lasting legacy. As one young leader articulated, ‘children can change the world because they’re the next generation’”.

The AYLA team look forward to working with more Welsh schools over the coming months. To find out more about getting involved in the Welsh AYLA teachers can join a webinar here: www.abyyt.com/events

Hear more from All Saints Church in Wales School, Barry about their experiences:

Mae’r Gymdeithas Genedlaethol yn falch o gyhoeddi, yn dilyn rhaglen beilot a gynhaliwyd yn 2023, fod Gwobr Arweinwyr Ifanc yr Archesgobion bellach ar gael i holl ysgolion Cymru.

Gyda chefnogaeth Archesgob Cymru, y Parchedicaf Andrew John, mae Gwobr Arweinwyr Ifanc yr Archesgobion Cymru, sydd wedi’i hanelu at flynyddoedd ysgol 4-6, yn rhaglen arweinyddiaeth ac effeithiolrwydd personol gydag adnoddau llawn sydd wedi’i chynllunio i ategu a bod yn rhan o gwricwlwm ysgol. Mae’n cynnig cyfle cyffrous i’ch dysgwyr wneud y canlynol:

• Cymryd rhan mewn profiadau dysgu newydd

• Tyfu mewn arweinyddiaeth a datblygu sgiliau hanfodol i bedwar diben y Cwricwlwm i Gymru

• Darganfod manteision helpu eraill

Dywedodd yr Archesgob Andrew am y lansiad: “Mae datblygu arweinwyr ifanc yn uchelgais allweddol i’r Eglwys yng Nghymru. Rwy’n falch iawn ein bod yn gallu gweithio’n agos gydag Eglwys Loegr i ddatblygu’r uchelgais hon gyda’n gilydd. Rydym am gymryd y cyfoeth o dalent sydd gennym yng Nghymru o ddifrif a sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn llunio ein dyfodol gan gydnabod dyfnder ac ehangder y dalent hon. Rwy’n falch iawn o gefnogi’r fenter hon.”

Bydd dysgwyr yn datblygu ac yn ymarfer eu harweinyddiaeth ac, yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, yn dysgu am arweinwyr ysbrydoledig o’r gorffennol a’r presennol, ac yn archwilio’r gwahanol gymunedau y maent yn perthyn iddynt. Yn seiliedig ar eu gwaith yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, byddant wedyn yn cynllunio ac yn ymchwilio i gamau cymdeithasol i ‘fod y newid rydych chi am ei weld’.

Mae lansiad Gwobr Arweinwyr Ifanc yr Archesgobion Cymru (AYLA Cymru) wedi cael ei arwain gan Liz Thomas, y Cyfarwyddwr Addysg a ddywedodd, “Mae’r Wobr yn cynnig cyfres o adnoddau dwyieithog sy’n galluogi dysgwyr i ymgysylltu â gweithredu cymdeithasol, datblygu fel arweinwyr ac asiantau er newid, a hynny yng nghyd-destun eu hysgol a’u cymuned leol. Rydym yn falch iawn o gefnogi AYLA Cymru.

Yn yr ysgolion peilot, bu dysgwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn ystod eang o gamau cymdeithasol i ddyfnhau eu dealltwriaeth o gynefin a datblygu eu sgiliau arwain. Cafodd yr holl brosiectau eu nodi a’u hymchwilio gan y dysgwyr, gan ganolbwyntio ar faterion o bwys iddynt yn eu cymunedau.

Fe wnaeth rhai dysgwyr gwblhau heriau unigol a choginio prydau bwyd ar gyfer eu teuluoedd. Ysgrifennodd eraill at y cyngor lleol ac at eu Haelodau o’r Senedd neu eu Haelodau Seneddol am barcio ger yr ysgol, ceir yn goryrru drwy’r pentref a graffiti yn y parc lleol.

Roedd prosiectau poblogaidd yn cynnwys gweithio gyda phlant iau yn yr ysgol yn ystod adegau egwyl, drwy chwarae gemau a dod yn ffrindiau darllen. Roedd eraill yn cefnogi perthnasau hŷn ac aelodau o’r gymuned gan gynnwys trefnu te prynhawn ar gyfer eu cymdogion oedrannus.

Bu un ysgol yn gweithio gyda’r cyngor lleol i helpu i lanhau gardd gymunedol ac ysgrifennu cardiau i’r gwasanaethau brys lleol i ddiolch iddynt am eu holl gymorth a’u cefnogaeth yn y gymuned.

Dywedodd Elizabeth Howat Pennaeth yr AYLA, “Mae’n wych gweld cyflawniadau’r plant, sy’n dangos y ‘budd dwbl’ o gymryd rhan yn y Wobr, wrth i blant dyfu mewn hyder a thosturi, a meithrin cysylltiadau â chymunedau gan adeiladau gwaddol parhaol ar yr un pryd. Fel y dywedodd un arweinydd ifanc, ‘gall plant newid y byd am mai nhw yw’r genhedlaeth nesaf’”.

Mae tîm AYLA yn edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda mwy o ysgolion Cymru dros y misoedd nesaf. I gael gwybod mwy am gymryd rhan yn AYLA Cymru gall athrawon ymuno â gweminar yma: https://www.abyyt.com/events

Gallwch glywed mwy am brofiadau Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru’r Holl Saint, Y Barri:

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