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Our free schools' resource for KS2 and KS3 this Advent. This FREE resource celebrates how our community can bring us joy, acceptance, generosity and love.

Community Matters at Christmas ⭐️

This Advent, we're challenging your pupils to look out and notice how important communities are.

As we look forward to Christmas, this year particularly, we are hoping to make plans to celebrate Christmas in community. Plans of family meals, parties with friends, school Christmas productions, or carol services at church. Plans to enjoy being a part of these communities.  

Community is important in the Christmas story too. Communities of angels, shepherds and wise men rejoiced and welcomed Jesus as a baby. Mary and Joseph became Jesus’ first community on earth as his family. When Jesus grew up, he showed how much he valued community through his love and care for others.

Throughout Advent we will explore different communities from the Christmas story, see what they can teach us about community and how they can inspire us to make a difference this Christmas.

Over four weeks, the resource celebrates how community can bring us joy, acceptance, generosity and love.

Each week includes:

·        Introduction

·        Bible link

·        Pupil video

·        Questions to reflect on

·        Challenges to reach out to others and to help the environment

·        Prayer

This resource can be used in the classroom or in collective worship. Challenges can be done individually or as a group or class.

Activities and challenges are suitable for KS2 and KS3 but can be adjusted for use with KS1 and KS4 pupils.


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