School Story: Young Leaders Connect with the past to Support those in need

December 16, 2021
School Story: Young Leaders Connect with the past to Support those in need

Schools running the Young Leaders Awards (YLA) have had to be very creative with action projects over the past 18 months. The KS2 Young Leaders at Milton St John’s CE Primary in Manchester used their ingenuity to help out at home, school and in their local community whilst conforming to Covid-19 restrictions.

'I didn't know I could be a leader at 8 but now I know I can be.'

KS2 Young Leader, Milton St John’s Primary

During the YLA session on National Community, the Young Leaders learnt about a charity called Wood Street Mission that had been founded during Victorian times. They had been studying Victorians for their History topic and were surprised to discover that a charity which supported the poor in Manchester during the Industrial Revolution was still actively helping the children and families of Manchester today. One of the main ways the charity supports children in Manchester is to help provide access to reading books to as many children as possible. The pupils were very passionate about supporting the work of Wood Street Mission and held a non-uniform day which raised £141!

‘It brought awareness to a local charity with Christian links and connected the past with the present and future. It has also highlighted the organisation to staff and pupils in the school and encouraged everyone to think about the fact the charity still needs to exist today.’

KS2 Teacher, Milton St John’s Primary

The fundraising didn’t stop there! The Young Leaders also raised £147 for and a cancer charity which had supported a former pupil who had been diagnosed with leukaemia. They also collected items for their local foodbank, sent cards with messages of support to the local nursing home and helped younger children with remote learning during the lockdowns.

To help ‘be the change’ in their school community, the Young Leaders spent time with the Site Manager and reflected on how their attitudes and behaviours could have a negative impact on others.

'Leadership isn't just about being bossy, it’s about listening to others and making hard choices.'

KS2 Young Leader, Milton St John’s Primary

The pupils carried out a litter pick in the school grounds and realised how small changes in their own behaviour, such as disposing of litter correctly and ensuring taps were turned off, could have a big impact on their communities.

‘The pupils have become more aware of how the school looks to visitors, the passing public and the people who use it every day. A member of the public commented on how the school grounds were looking and it gave them a sense of pride and achievement.’

KS2 Teacher, Milton St John’s Primary

It’s brilliant to see Young Leaders embracing opportunities to make differences in their school, at home and in their local community. To find out more about the Young Leaders Award, and to see how you could embed it within your school setting, click here or send us an email here.

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